
Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Divine

Friday, February 28, 2014

Holy Project #3

Back from Phoenix, and right back in the kitchen!

I talked to so many great people at the expo, and the experience was awesome! Thank you all. There was one thing I heard quite frequently though, that got me thinking.

Many individuals seemed to be looking for low carb, diabetic friendly, GF foods. I've read that diabetes is commonly associated with Celiac Disease, so this shouldn't have come as a surprise. Coincidentally, I had just began a low carb diet myself. Between a need to undo some of the damage to my waistline after baking constantly, everyday, to finish the first Holy Grail, and having just read Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes, low carb seemed like the thing to be. So far the diet has been good to me, and true to form, I'd already started experimenting with recipes. So I made a decision.

I'm already working on The Holy Grail of Gluten Free Holidays, so why not pile on a little more work, take a break from the sugar, and jump into writing a low carb book too? Sounds like a plan to me. I've got crepe wraps in the works at about 5 net carbs each, some great sauces and meat recipes, a lovely low carb cheesecake recipe and tonight, I baked up a marvelous failure. These brownies are definitely not perfect yet, but I still like them.

At least working on this project won't necessitate larger pants.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

On My Way… Almost

It's absolutely amazing the things that suddenly seem like such great things to do when you have a task in front of you that is somehow comparably worse. Procrastination station, that's where I'm at, and I don't see this train leaving anytime soon. You see how bad it is; I've even decided to blog (relevant previous blog about blogging).

Today is the day I should be packing the car, double checking my supplies, and headed off to Phoenix towards family, cheap produce and the sure to be groovy Gluten & Allergen Free Expo I'll be attending (If you're in the area, be there or be square. Of course I'll be there, and I'm a little square… eh, just come). So what am I doing? That's right, I'm sitting here typing! So very productive...

I really am excited about this whole thing, but somehow my body is mis-wired and excitement always seems to read as crazy freaking stressed. Truly. I'm so excited, I've developed an eye twitch. Truth be told, I'm also pouting about it a little. This baker lady here has just recently decided how important it is to cut carbs for a while to give my poor body a break from the excessive baking and tasting. I think it was a good decision. It feels good. But I also feel like I just barely got started and Oh! The sampling to be done this weekend! I'm clearly ambivalent. I want to try everything! But I still want to feel good too. What to do? What I always do of course! Pretend there is no decision to be made until I am out of time and am forced to play eeny meeny miney mo. If anyone out there has ever wondered what my life was founded upon, there you go. Indecision and children's rhymes for the win.

And now… I may actually have to pack. See you in Phoenix!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Finally, a post, and a GIVEAWAY! Yay!

Well, I've been lazy so far this month! I can't believe this is my first post since January. But I swear there is a good reason, and it's not just that I got my brain wedged in another manga series (honest!). I've actually been really busy getting everything ready for my first big expo! Yes, I know I posted about this last time, but it's still awesome!

Which brings me to my news for today... I have 5 free tickets to said expo to give away. Yay! But you have to go visit me on Facebook to get in on the deal. If you're near the Phoenix area and even remotely free Saturday or Sunday the 22nd & 23rd, then go enter to win! Go on, get over there, shoo! And come see me at the author table!

Enter at  May the GF force be with you!